Katarina Beširević is a PhD candidate and research assistant at the History Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She is also an associate at the Faculty of Philosophy’s Center for American Studies and the project assistant at the Association “Fulbright and Friends” in Serbia. Katarina is working as a mentor at the Invisible University for Ukraine. She is a recipient of the “Dositeja” scholarship, the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund and the GoStyria Scholarship for visiting researchers at the University of Graz. She is currently researching the topic “The Image of the United States of America in the Political and Public Life in Serbia (1990-2000)” for her PhD thesis. Her research interests include memory studies, history from below, the post-socialist period and oral history.
K. Beširević, „Istoričar kao svedok i ekspert: pogled na devedesete“ [Historian as a Witness and an Expert: A Look at the 1990s], Nasleđe Andreja Mitrovića, (ed.) Nemanja Radonjić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, 2024.
K. Beširević, „Antiamerikanizam u Srbiji: analiza komentara na Fejsbuku na primeru objava o ratu u Ukrajini“ [Anti-Americanism in Serbia Analyzing Facebook Comments on Posts about the War in Ukraine], Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 3/2022, pp. 101-119.
K. Beširević, “Devedesete u nedeljniku Vreme: Sećanja i iskustva jednog ratnog reportera” [The Nineties in the Weekly News Magazine Vreme: Memories and Experiences of a War Reporter], Ogledi o ratovima devedesetih: zbornik radova mladih istraživača, (eds.) Marijana Toma and Ivan Jovanović, Belgrade: UNDP, 2022, pp. 121-136.
K. Beširević, “The Új Symposion Journal on Trial in Yugoslavia (1971/2)”, Tokovi istorije, 2021/3, pp. 229-252.
K. Beširević, “Časopis Uj Symposion i sećanje Šandora Rože” [The Journal Új Symposion and the Reminiscence of Rózsa Sándor], Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 2019/3, pp. 57-71.