About us

Innovation Center evolved from the Digital Center created by the Institute for Contemporary History in 2021. It is fostering international cooperation and digital presence of the Institute for Contemporary History through developing innovative projects and other forms of academic outreach.


  • Vladimir Petrović

    Department Head

    Vladimir Petrović (Institute for Contemporary History, Belgrade)  researches mass political violence and strategies of confrontation with its legacy. He completed graduate studies in contemporary history at Belgrade University, comparative history at Central European University and postdoctoral studies in transitional justice at NIOD Institute for War, Holocaust and Genocide Studies, Amsterdam where he currently works. He teaches at University of Amsterdam, and has taught at Boston University, Central European University and Harvard Extension School. He is also among the conveners of CEU’s Invisible University of Ukraine and holds research professorship at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade, where he leads an Innovation Center.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Taming the Yugoslav Space: Struggle with Infrastructural Challenges of the 20th century (coedited with Edvin Pezo and Danijel Kežić), (IOS Regensburg/ISI Belgrade, 2023)

    Etničko čišćenje: geneza koncepta (Arhipelag, 2019)

    The Emergence of Historical Forensic Expertise: Clio takes the Stand (Routledge, 2017)

  • Ljubinka Škodrić

    Senior Research Associate

    Ljubinka Škodrić is a senior research associate at the Institute of Contemporary History in Belgrade. She earned her PhD in Yugoslav history at History Department of Faculty of Philosophy at Belgrade University. Areas of her research are: Gender History of Serbia, History of Education, Social History of Serbia, Digital History, History of Serbian Archival Service. She co-edited the volume Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939–1945. Forms and Varieties (Paderborn: Brill | Schöningh, 2023) and co-authored the chapter “Working for the enemy: civil servants in occupied Serbia, 1941–1944” in the volume Coercion and Wage Labour: Exploring Work Relations through History and Art (London: UCL Press, 2024).

    Bibliography (selected):

    “War, Occupation and Infrastructure Planning. The Serbian Civil Plan 1941–1944”. In: Taming the Yugoslav Space Continuities and Discontinuities in Coping with the Infrastructural Challenges of the 20th Century. Edited by: Danijel Kežić, Vladimir Petrović, Edvin Pezo, 163–184. Belgrade: Institute for Contemporary History, Regensburg: Leibniz-Institut für Ost- und Südosteuropaforschung, 2023.

    Žena u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941–1944 (Women in Occupied Serbia 1941–1944), Beograd: Arhipelag, Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2020.

    Ministarstvo prosvete i vera u Srbiji 1941–1944. Sudbina institucije pod okupacijom (Ministry of Education and Religion in Serbia 1941–1944. The Fate of Institution under OccupationBeograd: Arhiv Srbije, 2009.

  • Rade Ristanović

    Senior Research Associate

    Rade Ristanović is a senior research associate at the Institute of Contemporary History, Belgrade. He’s field of research is a history of resistance during the Second World War. Others areas of his scientific interest are: the history of the state and society in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the years immediately preceding the war, collaboration, everyday life in Serbia during the Second World War and urban history. He is the author of four monographs, and over fifty scientific papers. He is a one of the funders of Urban History Society. His most recent book is collection of papers “Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939-1945 Forms and Varieties” (ed. John Paul Newman, Ljubinka Škodrić & Rade Ristanović, Brill, 2023).

    Bibliography (selected)
    Mapping the History of the Resistance in Southeastern Europe, in: Anti-Axis Resistance in Southeastern Europe, 1939-1945 Balkan Studies Library, ed: John Newman, Ljubinka Škodrić, Rade Ristanović, Paderborn : Brill | Schöningh 2024, 18-34.
    Reluctant Beneficiaries of the Final Solution: Popular Responses to the Plundering of Jewish Property in Occupied Belgrade, A Marketplace Without Jews Aryanization and the Final Solution in Southeastern Europe, ed: Rory Yeomans, Routledge 2024.
    Београдски комунисти – Комунистички покрет отпора у окупираном Београду: 1941–1944, Београд : Институт за савремену историју : Catena mundi 2022.
    Београдски равногорци – Југословенска војска у отаџбини и Равногорски покрет у окупираном Београду 1941-1944, Београд : Институт за савремену историју : Catena mundi, 2021.

  • Ivana Pantelić

    Senior Research Associate

    Ivana Pantelić is a senior research associate at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade. She has BA degree in History and MA degree Social Anthropology and PhD degree in History at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. Her field of research is social history, especially women emancipation in Serbia and Yugoslavia. Pantelić is author of the books on social emancipation of female partisans in post-war Yugoslavia, and about Jovanka Broz’s public  representation, co-author of books about diaries from the Second World War and book about  twenty most important women in 20. century Srebian history.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Uspon i pad prve drugarice Jugoslavije, Jovanka Broz i srpska javnost od 1952. do 2013. godine (Rise and Fall of Jovanka Broz and the Serbian Publick 1952-2013),  Beograd: Službeni glasnik 2018.

    Partizanke kao građanke – društvena emancipacija partizanki u Srbiiji 1945-1953 (Female Partisans as Citizens: Social Emancipation of Female Partisans in Serbia, 1945-1953). Beograd: Instituit za savremenu istoriju – Evoluta 2011.

    Šarenac Danilo i Ivana Pantelić. Dve polovine sećanja: partizanski dnevnici kao izvor za istoriju Drugog svetskog rata (Two parts of Remembrance: Partisan Diaries as a Source of  Second World War History). Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2013.

    Ivana Pantelić (editor), Jelena Milinković, Ljubinka Škodrić, Dvadeset žena koje su obeležile XX vek u Srbiji (Twenty Women Who Marked 20. Century in Serbia) 1–2, Beograd: Nin d.o.o. Beograd, 2013.


  • Srđan Cvetković

    Principal Research Fellow

    Srđan Cvetković is a principal research fellow at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade, Serbia. He has finished his basic, master and PhD studies on the department of History, Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. His main fields of research are poltiical represion in communist Yugoslavia and Serbia, authoritarian policies and secret services, the role of dissidents under communist regime in Yugoslavia, human rights during the Cold War era, cults of personalities and everyday life of citizens under totalitarian rule. He was the leader and participant of numerous state commisions and initiatives that were created in Serbia with the goal of uncovering mass graves and crimes of communist regime in Yugoslavia. He organized or participated in numerous scientific conferences, public lectures and exibitions with the goal of enlightening the public about the social reality under totalitarian regime.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Između srpa i čekića – represija u Srbiji 1944-1953 (Between the hammer and the sickle – represion in Serbia 1944-1953)Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2006.
    Portreti disidenata (Portrails of the disidents), Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2007.
    OZNA – Represija komunističkog režima u Srbiji – Dokumenti (OZNA – represion of the communist regime in Serbia 1944-1946 – Documents) Beograd: Catena Mundi, 2019.
    Kako se stvarao Tito? Tehnologije izgradnje kulta ličnosti Josipa Broza (How was Tito made? Technologies of buildng a cult of personality of Josip Broz) Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju, Catena Mundi, 2024.

  • Ivana Dobrivojevič Tomić

    Principal Research Fellow

    Ivana Dobrivojević Tomić (1975) is a principal research fellow at the Institute of Contemporary History. She graduated from the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, Department of History of Yugoslavia. At the same department, she defended her master’s thesis: State Repression during the Dictatorship of King Alexander 1929-1935, and then received her doctorate on Village and City. Transformation of Serbia’s Agrarian Society 1945 – 1955. Her research focuses on state repression in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia, the industrialization of socialist Yugoslavia, the living standards of ordinary people, rural-urban migrations, the life of youth in socialist Yugoslavia, and family planning. She was a visiting researcher at the Imre Kertesz College in Jena, the Institute for the Study of the History of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in Regensburg, and the Institute for the History of Eastern and South-Eastern Europe in Graz. She has written three monographs and over 70 articles published in domestic and international journals.

    Bibliography (selected)
    Između nebrige i neznanja. Žene, seksualnost i planiranje porodice u Jugoslaviji (1918 – 1991), Beograd: Arhipelag i Institut za savremenu istoriju, 2022.

    From Peasants to Builders of Socialism: The Mobilisation of Young Workers in Socialist Yugoslavia (1945 – 1965), Europe – Asia Studies, 7 / 74, 1147 – 1165.

    State and Parenthood. Family Planning Policy in Yugoslavia, in: Biopolitics in Central and Eastern Europe in the 20th Century. Fearing for the Nation, editors: Joachim v. Puttkamer, Barbara Klich-Kluczewska, Immo Rebitschek), London: Routledge 2022,  99 – 120.

    Urban and Rural Development in Central and Eastern Europe (coauthor Blazej Brzostek), in: The Routledge History Handbook of Central and Eastern Europe in the Twentieth Century.  Tom I: Challenges of Modernity. Editors: Wlodzimierz Borodziej, Stanislav Holubec, Joachim von Puttkamer,  London: Routledge 2020, 1 – 63.

  • Luka Filipović

    Research Associate

    Luka Filipović is a research associate at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade, Serbia. He graduated PhD studies at the department of History, Faculty of Philosphy, University of Belgrade. His field of research is history of League of Communists of Yugoslavia, relations between Marxist parties and movements in Europe during Cold War, history of ideology, Eurocommunism, democratic socialism, liberalism etc; as well as resistance against neoliberal economic reforms, development of labor unions and strikes. He had also published papers and articles concerning new political and culutral phenomenon in regard to contemporary ideological debates and the rise of populist movements in Europe.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Evrokomunizam i Jugoslavija 1968-1980 (Eurocommunism and Yugoslavia 1968-1980),
    Novi Sad: Akademska knjiga, 2023.
    ,,Yugoslav Communists and European Far-Left – From First Supporters
    of Italian Eurocommunists to Last Allies of French Neo-Stalinists“ (1965-1985), Philosophy and
    Society, 34 (2023) 4, 591–612.
    ,,Cultural Perceptions of Democratization and Equality in National
    Symbolisms as one of the Structural Foundations of Eastern Populism“, Montenegrian Journal for
    Social Science, 1 (2019) 29-57 [M23]
    ,,Humanity in exile; Four decades of neoliberal reforms“, in Conf. Proc.:A multipolar world order takes shape; Being human and humanity in a changing world, Mut zur Ethik, Sirnach, Switzerland, in 1- 3 September 2023. (Published in The Floutist, 15. October 2023).

  • Nebojša Stambolija

    Research Associate

    Nebojša Stambolija is a research associate at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade. He has BA degree in History at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Niš and PhD in History at Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. His field of research is mainly different aspects of collaboration during World War Two in Occupied Serbia, but also Yugoslav-Polish relations in 1980s. He has authored one book and four collections of archival materials.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Srđan Cvetković, Rade Ristanović, Nebojša Stambolija (editors). Kolaboracionisti pred sudom Ozne. Saslušanja Milana Nedića, Dragomira Jovanovića, Tanasija Dinića i Koste Mušickog pred organima Ozne (Collaborators before the Oznajudgment. Hearings of Milan Nedić, Dragomir Jovanović, Tanasije Dinić and Kosta Mušicki before the authorities ofOzna), Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju 2018.

    Nebojša Stambolija. Srpska državna straža 1942‒1944 (Serbian State Guard 1942-1944), Beograd: Institut za savremenuistoriju 2021.

    Nebojša Stambolija (editor), Jovan P. Trišić: O Milanu Nediću (Jovan P. Trišić: About Milan Nedić), Beograd: Institut zasavremenu istoriju 2021.

    Nebojša Stambolija, Rade Ristanović, Radosav Tucović (editors), Kolaboracionisti pred sudom Ozne, knj. II. Saslušanja Božidara Bećarevića, Svetozara Vujkovića, Velibora Jonića i Nikola Gubareva (Collaborators before the Ozna judgment. Hearings of Božidar Bećarević, Svetozar Vujković, Velibor Jonić and Nikola Gubarev before the authorities of Ozna), Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju 2022.

    Bojan Dimitrijević, Nebojša Stambolija (editors), Srpski dobrovoljački korpus – Zapisi iz dobrovoljačke borbe: 1941‒1945 (Serbian Volunteer Corps – Records from volunteer combat: 1941‒1945), Beograd: Institut za savremenu istoriju2023.

  • Radosav Tucović

    Research Associate

    Radosav Tucović is a research associate at the Institute for Contemporary History in Belgrade. He has BA degree, MA degree, and PhD degree in History, from the Faculty of Philosophy, University of Belgrade. His field of research is the Second World War, especially the history of occupation systems during the Second World War in Serbia and Yugoslavia, but also in Europe. Tucović is the author of a book about the establishment and construction of a repressive police system in occupied Serbia, through the biographies of two crucial figures, from the German and Serbian sides. In addition, Tucović is the author of about 20 scientific articles dealing with the ideology and practice of Nazi Germany in occupied Serbia.

    Bibliography (selected)

    Драги Јовановић и генерал Мајснер на челу полиције у окупираној Србији: Анализа делатности Драгомира Јовановића и Аугуста Мајснера у окупираној Србији (1941-1944), Београд 2022. (english: Dragi Jovanović and General Meyszner at the top of the police organization in occupied Serbia: Analysis of the activities of Dragomir Jovanović and August Meyszner in occupied Serbia)
    „Организација и развој полиције нацистичке немачке у окупираној Србији (1941-1944)“, у: Други светски рат 75 година касније, Том 1, Институт за стратегијска истраживања – Институт за новију историју Србије – Институт за савремену историју, Београд 2021, 339-366. (english: Organization and development of the Nazi German police in occupied Serbia (1941-1944))
    „Od relativizacije do negiranja ratnih zločina: analiza saslušanja bivših rukovodilaca nemačke Policije bezbednosti u okupiranoj Srbiji 1941-1944“, Istorija 20. veka, 2/2023, 345-360. (english: Between relativization and denial of war crimes: analysis of interrogations of former leaders of the German Security Police in occupied Serbia 1941-1944)
    „Domaće policijske formacije pod okupacijom u Drugom svetskom ratu : sličnosti i razlike pojavnih oblika u Generalnom guvernmanu Poljske (1939-1945) i okupiranoj Srbiji (1941-1944)“, Jugoslavija i Poljska: veze i međusobni odnosi u XX veku: međunarodni tematski zbornik radova, Beograd 2022, 163-176. (english: Domestic police formations under occupation in the Second World War: similarities and differences in the General Gouvernment of Poland (1939-1945) and occupied Serbia (1941-1944))
    „Прилог историографској анализи фотографија: Пример фотографије нацистичког злочина током Другог светског рата у Србији“, Годишњак за друштвену историју, 2/2023, 25-39. (english: Contribution to the historiographical analysis of photographs: An example of a photograph of a Nazi crime during the Second World War in Serbia)
    „Collaboration of the Special Police in the implementation of the „Final Solution“ in occupied Serbia (1941-1944)“, Limes Plus: geopolitički časopis, br. 2-3/2018, 41-59.
    „Агенти Специјалне полиције и начини њиховог деловања у окупираној Србији (1941-1944), Годишњак за друштвену историју, бр. 24, 1/2017, 25-46. (english: Agents of the Special Police and their methods of operation in occupied Serbia (1941-1944))

  • Ana Radaković

    Research Associate

    Ana Radaković is a Ph.D. student and research assistant at the History Department, Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She is currently working on her thesis titled “European Dimension and Development of Historical Consciousness in History Teaching in Serbia (1990-2020).” She assists with courses at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade, specifically History Didactics and Initial Teacher Training. Radaković is a researcher in the “Museum of the Nineties” initiative and the author of several scientific articles. She also contributes to publications regarding teaching sensitive and controversial issues from the past in post-conflict societies, the challenges of history teaching, and historical thinking concepts in history education. In July 2023, Ana Radaković became a grantee of the HISTOLAB fellowship.

    Bibliography (selected)

    M. Šuica, A. Radaković, “Challenges of Teaching History for the Bosniak Ethnic Community/National Minority in the Republic of Serbia Within the Post-Conflict Setting,” in History Education at the Edge of the Nation (eds. P. Colla, A. Di Michele), Palgrave Macmillan, 2023, 101-124.
    A. Radaković, C. Savitsky, Teaching the Wars of the 1990s, European Association of History Educators (EuroClio), 2022.
    А. Radaković, „Raspad Jugoslavije i ratovi devedesetih u udžbenicima za nastavu istorije u Republici Srbiji“ u zborniku radova Ratovi 1990-ih u regionalnim historiografijama: Kontroverze, interpretacije, nasljeđe, Udruženje za modernu historiju, Sarajevo, 2021, 283-296.
    M. Šuica, A. Radaković, “New Educational Concepts in the Reformed History Teaching in Serbia,” in Education Challenges: Curricular and Conceptual Provocations, Limes plus, XVII No. 2/2020, 33-56.

  • Katarina Beširević

    Research Associate

    Katarina Beširević is a PhD candidate and research assistant at the History Department at the Faculty of Philosophy in Belgrade. She is also an associate at the Faculty of Philosophy’s Center for American Studies and the project assistant at the Association “Fulbright and Friends” in Serbia. Katarina is working as a mentor at the Invisible University for Ukraine. She is a recipient of the “Dositeja” scholarship, the Sasakawa Young Leaders Fellowship Fund and the GoStyria Scholarship for visiting researchers at the University of Graz. She is currently researching the topic “The Image of the United States of America in the Political and Public Life in Serbia (1990-2000)” for her PhD thesis. Her research interests include memory studies, history from below, the post-socialist period and oral history.



    K. Beširević, „Istoričar kao svedok i ekspert: pogled na devedesete“ [Historian as a Witness and an Expert: A Look at the 1990s], Nasleđe Andreja Mitrovića, (ed.) Nemanja Radonjić, University of Belgrade, Faculty of Philosophy, 2024.

    K. Beširević, „Antiamerikanizam u Srbiji: analiza komentara na Fejsbuku na primeru objava o ratu u Ukrajini“ [Anti-Americanism in Serbia Analyzing Facebook Comments on Posts about the War in Ukraine], Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 3/2022, pp. 101-119.

    K. Beširević, “Devedesete u nedeljniku Vreme: Sećanja i iskustva jednog ratnog reportera” [The Nineties in the Weekly News Magazine Vreme: Memories and Experiences of a War Reporter], Ogledi  o ratovima devedesetih: zbornik radova mladih istraživača, (eds.) Marijana Toma and Ivan Jovanović, Belgrade: UNDP, 2022, pp. 121-136.

    K. Beširević, “The Új Symposion Journal on Trial in Yugoslavia (1971/2)”, Tokovi istorije, 2021/3, pp. 229-252.

    K. Beširević, “Časopis Uj Symposion i sećanje Šandora Rože” [The Journal Új Symposion and the Reminiscence of Rózsa Sándor], Godišnjak za društvenu istoriju, 2019/3, pp. 57-71.


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